ZHANG Pei-feng1,2, HE Can-fei1,2
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. The Peking University, Lincoln Institute Center for Urban Development and Land Policy, Beijing 100871, China
Abstract:In recent years, China has committed itself to promoting high-quality development of regional economies, and how to realize this goal has become a hot topic of discussion among scholars. Economic complexity can be used to measure the quality of economic development by utilizing the complexity of technology and knowledge contained in economies at different scales, such as regions, industries or firms. The higher the economic complexity, the greater the complexity of the knowledge and technology at their disposal, and the more the economy tends to develop in a high-quality and innovation-driven direction. This paper explores the impact of consumption structure upgrading on regional economic complexity from a demand-side perspective. Consumption structure upgrading is the process of transforming residents' consumption from being dominated by survival-oriented products to development and hedonic products. We utilize the panel data of 31 provincial administrative regions in China during the period of 2000—2020, and adopt research methods such as ECI+ and price relative index. The study obtained the following findings: First, consumption structure upgrading can significantly enhance regional economic complexity; Second, the positive impact of consumption structure upgrading on regional economic complexity is realized through three mechanisms; Third, there is regional heterogeneity in the impact of consumption structure upgrading on regional economic complexity, the higher the degree of marketization and the lower the degree of market segmentation, the greater the positive impact of consumption structure upgrading.
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